update yaay

Sunday = UPDATES!


Here is what’s on Playtest:

1. New buttons:


2. The corkboard isn’t a corkboard anymore




4. There will be a new place for residents with LOADS of prises. You will find keys to treasures in Boardwalk. Extremely weird and extremely fun.


updates plus monday code












extra code


god thank you for the extra code XD

hyia, guys, bad news and good news

the good news: i’ll make a contest, u’ll find out on monday 😉

the bad news: i was not at home so i couldn’t post the monday code, i’m rlly srry, i’ll make sure i’ll post them every monday XD

the contest clue: it’s about my about

prizes: a gift worth 30 gems

spoiler, glad for the updates


(Mystery Box items)


 Daylight Fae = Green + White 

Nightshade Fae = Red + Black 

Nightshade items 

Aren’t they awesome?! 😀 

Thanks to Max and xWolf for buying so many Boxes! xD It helped a lot. 

And thanks xCrazeyColuurs for the jacket. :3

hey every1



New items – pictures soon! (this warrior stuff is sooo related to Battle Station!)

Oberon’s Mystery Boxes – Daylight Fae & Nightshade Fae items.

I will post some of their contents soon. They look cool!

Dough Bot challenges – LOADS of new challenges (flow, flow ^ ^ flow ) for you!

Sacred Tree – A free condo tree for residents.

As you can see these updates have an Elf theme. :DD

AND they will get another one. EASTER THEME!

Monday, 22nd

thnx, last cookie

monday code

hey my readers, srry i posted it so lATE but i had exams


answers for webhunt #16

1. spirits that live in water:

goldie the magifish

giant yappy monster

yappy monster

jumpy frog

chompy the shark

demitri the dolphin

octavius the octi

2. the most recent post on twitter says:

Hi! It is Collette! Don’t forget to check out my Sugar Star store at Wonderland! Love you guys! ^-^ http://www.ourworld.com #games

3. there are 7 green candies on wonderland

4. my facebook name is:

Ann Loveable Sweetemo

5.If you want to turn people on ourworld in babies you will have to throw a baby bottle at them(available in crew super throw)

6.The name of the designer wearing sandals is Volla

monday code

taa dah- the monday cODE IS : F29D-E513-BE44-18D1

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